Saturday, 24 November 2012

Why I changed my company name

When you're a photographer you may think - what's in a name? It's really all about the images. This incredible passion to record what you see and send it back out for review. It's about what you see, not the name of the person who made it that counts.  Unless  I suppose, you want to be the next "rock star" photographer on the circuit. Then you need to not only be a name, but brand it well. Very well indeed  - it needs to be worth thousands.

As I turned a hobby into a business, the time came attached my name to my images. Then the reality of having the surname of Hinchliffe not Hinchcliffe began to take on a new dimension.

" Oh dear, " I told a bunch of close and dear friends over a coffee. " My first clients have gone to the wrong website. They can't find the images I uploaded for them. They keep going to Sarah Hinchcliffe's site."

" Really? " said a friend of many, many years " I always thought that Hinchcliffe was your it actually Hinchliffe?"  A stunned silence from me prevented me from spluttering into my coffee before we all burst into fits of laughter. Occasionally I get called Hinchcliffe when someone wants to tease me.....

At the time I was photographing lots of children in playgroups and nurseries.So at a family meeting - well breakfast chat actually, my bright young son said,

" Mummy why not use our names instead ? Then it's still a family names! "
So NicoleJames Photography was born. Yes I know it's terribly sentimental of me, but it was given the vote of approval by family and friends near and far.

Time flew past and before I knew it I had fallen in love with wedding photography. Every couple was bringing something new and interesting to the day that fascinated me. Using natural light and seeing real life  moving from one stage of the day to the next, had me absorbed. Studio images just didn't compare. But now my sentimental tribute to my lovely children seemed misplaced. Clients were expecting to speak to Nicole. I didn't want to create any unnecessary confusion. I wanted a company name that felt relevant to what I did.

It was like playing endless word games - everyone threw a name at me. It's was either taken, too cheesey, too clinical, too obvious just not right.
" What do you like about Wedding Photography the best ?" my trusty husband asked me.
" Every couple makes the day their own, they have their own theme, their own way with each other. I see it over and over in the day. I love seeing what makes each couple, each wedding distinctive."

" How about Motif ?"  he said,.

You know there are moments when you know you married the right person because they just get you more than you know. So thank-you to my husband for finding me a company name that says something true about what I do. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief and just keep concentrating on the images. They are what counts after all.
Sarah x